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Management","NavigateURL":"http://help.intranetdashboard.com/applications/iDCMS/Files/CreatingandEditingFiles.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":40,"Text":"Forum","NavigateURL":"/applications/Forums/Forum.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":299,"Text":"Hashtags","NavigateURL":"http://help.intranetdashboard.com/applications/Components/formattedtextcomponent.html#textentry","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":41,"Text":"iD CMS / Wiki","NavigateURL":"/applications/iDCMS/IDCMS.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":42,"Text":"iD Themes","NavigateURL":"/applications/iD_Themes/iDThemes.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":43,"Text":"iFrame Portlets","NavigateURL":"/applications/iFrame_Portlets/iFramePortlets.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":45,"Text":"Layout Manager","NavigateURL":"/applications/layout_mgr/LayoutManager.html ","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":307,"Text":"Legacy Apps","NavigateURL":"http://help.intranetdashboard.com/applications#legacyapps","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":46,"Text":"Meeting Room Booking","NavigateURL":"/applications/meeting_room_booking/MeetingRoomBooking.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":290,"Text":"My iD","NavigateURL":"/applications/MyiDApp/MyiD.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":47,"Text":"Nav Editor","NavigateURL":"/applications/nav_editor/NavEditor.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":48,"Text":"News","NavigateURL":"/applications/news_rss/News.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":305,"Text":"Notifications","NavigateURL":"/applications/Notifications/Notifications.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false}],"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":174,"Text":"O - S","NavigateURL":null,"LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":1,"NavItem":[{"NavID":37,"Text":"Online Forms","NavigateURL":"/applications/OnlineForms/OnlineForms.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":294,"Text":"Private Groups","NavigateURL":"http://help.intranetdashboard.com/applications/MyiDApp/PrivateGroups/Overview.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":49,"Text":"Profile Directory","NavigateURL":"/applications/ProfileDirectory/ProfileDirectory.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":297,"Text":"Profiles","NavigateURL":"http://help.intranetdashboard.com/applications/MyiDApp/MyiD.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":113,"Text":"Process Tool","NavigateURL":"/applications/process_tool/ProcessTool.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":51,"Text":"Project Space","NavigateURL":"/applications/project_space/ProjectSpace.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":52,"Text":"Quick Links","NavigateURL":"/applications/quick_links/QuickLinks.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":53,"Text":"Quick Poll","NavigateURL":"/applications/quick_poll/QuickPoll.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":304,"Text":"Ratings","NavigateURL":"/applications/Ratings/Ratings.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":135,"Text":"SharePoint Connector","NavigateURL":"/applications/apicomponents/SharePointConnector/SharePointConnector.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":293,"Text":"Search","NavigateURL":"/applications/Components/SearchComponent.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":55,"Text":"Site List","NavigateURL":"/applications/site_list/SiteList.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":160,"Text":"Social Media Integration","NavigateURL":"/applications/apicomponents/SocialMediaIntegration/SocialMediaIntegration.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":56,"Text":"Sports Tipping","NavigateURL":"/applications/sports_tipping/SportsTipping.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":57,"Text":"Staff Offers","NavigateURL":"/applications/staff_offers/StaffOffers.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":58,"Text":"Statistics Reporter","NavigateURL":"/applications/statistics_reporter/StatisticsReporter.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":306,"Text":"Subsite Admin","NavigateURL":"/applications/SubsiteAdmin/SubsiteAdmin.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":59,"Text":"Survey Manager","NavigateURL":"/applications/survey_mgr/SurveyManager.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false}],"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":176,"Text":"T - Z","NavigateURL":null,"LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":1,"NavItem":[{"NavID":60,"Text":"Travel Agent","NavigateURL":"/applications/travel_agent/TravelAgent.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":61,"Text":"User Profile","NavigateURL":"/applications/User_Profile/UserProfile.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false},{"NavID":62,"Text":"World Time","NavigateURL":"/applications/world_time/WorldTime.html","LinkTypeCode":"TP","JSProperties":"toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=,height=,directories=no,top=30,left=30","NavLevel":2,"NavItem":null,"IsSeperator":false}],"IsSeperator":false}]
{"IsVertical":true,"DisplayHomeLink":true,"HomeLinkText":"iD Applications","HomeLinkURL":"/applications","VerticalBarBehavior":"Default","NavCompulsoryLinkPosition":false,"SaveExpandedNavItems":false,"SetHorizontalNavTabsActive":false,"Title":"Applications V Nav","InSiteHeader":false,"IsEmptyControl":false,"ComponentEditMode":"","IsDeniedAccess":false,"AppName":"Nav Editor","IsAppDisabled":false}

Configuration Settings

Config Settings determine certain key actions for the way applications work. All settings once updated, will effect site-wide.

This process is conducted through The Admin console of iD. You will need to ensure that you are logged into the admin before conducting this process.

Accessing Config Settings

Please, login to The Admin to complete the following steps.


Acronym Manager

Display Name 



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Means: When an acronym is deleted, it is still available from the Acronym Manager Recycle Bin (see screen shot below) where it can be undeleted at any time unless the system-wide Permanent Delete function has been set up. 

If you set a Value in the DAYS_DELETED_BEFORE_PERMANENT_DELETION setting, the deleted items will be permanently removed from this application's Recycle Bin in the number of days you set, i.e. Value = 14 the deletion will occur after 14 days. This setting must be configured in addition to enabling the Permanent Delete function at the site level. Learn how to enable Permanent Delete.

Ad Manager

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Means: When any Ad Manager content is deleted it is no longer available via the Admin. However, at a System level, the content remains within the Database unless the system-wide Permanent Delete function has been set up. 

If you set a Value in the DAYS_DELETED_BEFORE_PERMANENT_DELETION setting, the deleted items will be permanently removed from the Database in the number of days you set, i.e. Value = 14 the deletion will occur after 14 days. This setting must be configured in addition to enabling the Permanent Delete function at the site level. Learn how to enable Permanent Delete.

Brand Manager

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Maximum width/height of thumbnails

The maximum width and height of thumbnail created for images uploaded to Brand Manager


Means: When content is deleted, it is still available from the Brand Manager Recycle Bin (see screen shot below) where it can be undeleted at any time unless the system-wide Permanent Delete function has been set up. 

If you set a Value in the DAYS_DELETED_BEFORE_PERMANENT_DELETION setting, the deleted items will be permanently removed from this application's Recycle Bin in the number of days you set, i.e. Value = 14 the deletion will occur after 14 days. This setting must be configured in addition to enabling the Permanent Delete function at the site level. Learn how to enable Permanent Delete.


Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Trending Channels Enabled

If set to ‘True’, then the system will display a list of channels that are trending. Trending will be calculated based on the types of posts in a channel (e.g. post, tagged content, comment, like) and also the Config Setting ‘Trending Channels Window’. The Config Settings; ‘Trending Channels Number To Show’ and; ‘Trending Channels Refresh Interval’, are used to configure how the trending list is displayed.


Trending Channels Number To Show

The number of channels to be displayed in the list of trending channels.


Trending Channels Refresh Interval

This setting determines how frequently the trending channels should be calculated, in minutes. Setting this to a lower number will mean that the trending list is updated frequently but may put the extra load onto the server regularly. Setting this to a higher number will mean the trending list isn’t updated as frequently but the extra load on the server is minimized. A minimum of 1 minute can be set and setting this to 0 will use this minimum.


Trending Channels Window

This is the period of time, in hours, that will be considered when calculating which channels are trending. This should be set based on how frequently channels are being updated within the system. A minimum of 1 hour can be set and setting this to 0 will use this minimum.


Clever Tools

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Means: When any content is deleted it is no longer available via the Admin. However, at a System level, the content remains within the Database unless the system-wide Permanent Delete function has been set up. 

If you set a Value in the DAYS_DELETED_BEFORE_PERMANENT_DELETION setting, the deleted items will be permanently removed from the Database in the number of days you set, i.e. Value = 14 the deletion will occur after 14 days. This setting must be configured in addition to enabling the Permanent Delete function at the site level. Learn how to enable Permanent Delete.

Company Calendar

Display Name



Add time to calendar date in breadcrumb bar

Add time to calendar date in breadcrumb bar


Calendar day start time

This is the start hour for the calendar day. Values must be 0-23, where 0=midnight, 1=1am, etc.


Calendar start day

The starting day for the weekly calendar


Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Contact Manager

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Exchange Contacts
Folder URL

The URL of the public contacts folder in your company's exchange server


Exchange URL

The URL of your company's exchange server


New Contact Duration

Number of days after creation that a contact will be classified as a new contact


Password for SMS Gateway

Password for SMS Gateway


Username for SMS Gateway

Username for SMS Gateway


Content Publisher

Display Name



Control Path Banner Manager

Control path Ad Manager


Control Path External

Control path External


Control Path Faq

Control path FAQ


Control Path IFrame

Control path iFrame


Control Path LiveLink

Control path LiveLink


Control Path News

Control path News


Control Path QuickLinks

Control path QuickLinks


Control Path Quickpoll

Control path Quickpoll


Control Path Search

Control path Search


Control Path Stockquote

Control path Stockquote


Days before Expiry date that the Editor and Owner are sent emails

Days before Expiry date that the Editor and Owner are sent emails


Days before Expiry date that the Editor is sent an email

Days before Expiry date that the Editor is sent an email


Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Default BackGround Color

Default Color: background


Default expiry enabled

Enables the config setting Default_Expiry_In_Days_


Default expiry in days from creation

Default number of days in which a document will expire from it's creation date


Expired time before the auto delete process is run

Expired time in days before the auto delete process is run


Expiry emails from address

The from address for the expiry emails to editors and authors


External Page Frameset height

Sets the height of the header plus breadcrumb


Maximum expiry in days from creation

Maximum number of days in which a document can expire from it's creation date


Override email for expiry alerts

Override email for expiry alters so that only the entered email address will be sent expiry emails


Required permission level to download original doc.

Required permission level to download original doc.


Send expiry alert emails to editors and authors

Send expiry alert emails to editors and authors


Show Back Link

Determines if the back link on published documents is displayed or not


Show current link in content publisher

Show current link in Content Publisher


Show original link in content publisher

Show original link in Content Publisher


Show published page detail links in footer

Determines if the footer details on published documents is displayed or not


Show Top Link

Determines if the top link on published documents is displayed or not


Visible date selection enabled

Visible date selection enabled


Digital Assets Library

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Front End Sort Order

Sorts by creation date with the most recent entry on top


Document Manager

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Expand Category Tree When Managing Categories

Determines if the document category tree will be loaded completely or not when managing categories


Expand Admin Category Tree

Keep the entire admin category tree expanded


Expand Category Tree When Creating Documents

Determines if the document category tree will be loaded completely or not when creating a new document



Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Means: When any e-Newsletter content is deleted it is no longer available via the Admin. However, at a System level, the content remains within the Database unless the system-wide Permanent Delete function has been set up. 

If you set a Value in the DAYS_DELETED_BEFORE_PERMANENT_DELETION setting, the deleted items will be permanently removed from the Database in the number of days you set, i.e. Value = 14 the deletion will occur after 14 days. This setting must be configured in addition to enabling the Permanent Delete function at the site level. Learn how to enable Permanent Delete.


Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Means: When any E-Postcard content is deleted it is no longer available via the Admin. However, at a System level, the content remains within the Database unless the system-wide Permanent Delete function has been set up. 

If you set a Value in the DAYS_DELETED_BEFORE_PERMANENT_DELETION setting, the deleted items will be permanently removed from the Database in the number of days you set, i.e. Value = 14 the deletion will occur after 14 days. This setting must be configured in addition to enabling the Permanent Delete function at the site level. Learn how to enable Permanent Delete.

Employee Training

Display Name



Archive Expired Courses

If true, employee training courses that have expired will be automatically archived. Once they have been archived they will not be able to be restored


Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item



Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Means: When an FAQ is deleted, it is still available from the FAQ Recycle Bin (see screenshot below) where it can be undeleted at any time unless the system-wide Permanent Delete function has been set up. 

If you set a Value in the DAYS_DELETED_BEFORE_PERMANENT_DELETION setting, the deleted items will be permanently removed from this application's Recycle Bin in the number of days you set, i.e. Value = 14 the deletion will occur after 14 days. This setting must be configured in addition to enabling the Permanent Delete function at the site level. Learn how to enable Permanent Delete.

File Express

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Forms Manager

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Means: When Forms Manager content is deleted, it is still available from the Forms Manager Recycle Bin (see screenshot below) where it can be undeleted at any time unless the system-wide Permanent Delete function has been set up. 

If you set a Value in the DAYS_DELETED_BEFORE_PERMANENT_DELETION setting, the deleted items will be permanently removed from this application's Recycle Bin in the number of days you set, i.e. Value = 14 the deletion will occur after 14 days. This setting must be configured in addition to enabling the Permanent Delete function at the site level. Learn how to enable Permanent Delete.


Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item



Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete 
occurs on a deleted item


Days deleted before permanent delete occurs for files

Days before permanent delete
 occurs on a deleted file


Default expiry enabled

Enables the config settings 'Default expiry in days from creation'


Default expiry in days from creation

Default number of days in which a document will expire from it's creation date


Display 'Manage iD CMS Content' to

The users who can see the Manage iD CMS link in the breadcrumb and footer

Users who can create/edit CMS content

Enable HTML editing in formatted text

Set to True to enable HTML, editing in all formatted text boxes in the website interface of this application


Expired time before the auto delete process is run

Expired time in days before the auto delete process is run


Expiry Alerts - Override Recipients  If 'Expiry Alerts – Settings Override & Reset Expiry' is set to 'True' and there is an email address provided here, all expiry alert emails will go to this address. If an email address isn't provided then the emails will be sent to the Last Modifying User/Owner, depending on the other Expiry Alerts settings. 

Expiry Alerts – Sender Address
The email address that should be used to send Expiry Alert emails. 

Expiry Alerts – Settings Override & Reset Expiry
If set to 'True', then the Expiry Alerts Config Settings will control when Expiry Alert emails are sent for iD CMS Pages, iD CMS Files, and Layouts. Individual expiry alert settings will be hidden from the user and a reset expiry button displayed, which will update the expiry date based on 'Expiry Dates – Initial Default Date'. If set to 'False', then individual expiry alert settings will display on each item, so the last user to modify can configure their own alerts.  False 

Expiry Alerts – When to Email Last Modifying User
If 'Expiry Alerts – Settings Override & Reset Expiry' is set to 'True', then the last user to modify an iD CMS Page, iD CMS File or Layout will be sent an Expiry Alert email 'x' days before the item will expire, where 'x' is the number of days specified here.  30 
Expiry Alerts – When to Email Last Modifying User & Owners

If 'Expiry Alerts – Settings Override & Reset Expiry' is set to 'True', then the last user to modify and any owners of the iD CMS Page, iD CMS File or Layout will be sent an Expiry Alert email 'x' days before the item expires, where 'x' is the number of days specified here.  

Expiry Dates – Default Extension on Modification
When an iD CMS Page, iD CMS File or Layout is edited then the expiry date field will be updated to be the current date plus 'x', where 'x' is the number of days specified here. A message will be shown to users with the previous expiry date and they can change the date manually. The expiry date will be updated when the item is saved based on what is in the expiry date field. Setting this to 0 or -1 will disable this setting.   -1
Expiry Dates - Initial Default Date

This will determine the selected date in the date picker for the expiry field for iD CMS Pages, iD CMS Files, and Layouts. It will default to the current date plus 'x', where 'x' is the number of days specified here. If 'Expiry Dates - Mandatory' is set to 'True', then the actual expiry date will default to this date. The date can be changed by users and will not take effect until the item is saved. Setting this to 0 or -1 will mean the current date is used as the default and the item will be set to expire immediately.   21
Expiry Dates - Mandatory

If set to 'True' then expiry dates will be mandatory for iD CMS Pages, iD CMS Files, and Layouts. The expiry date will default to a date based on the setting 'Expiry Dates – Initial Default Date' but can be changed by users. When the item is modified, the expiry date will update based on 'Expiry Dates – Extension on Modification' if it's set, otherwise the 'Expiry Dates – Initial Default Date' will be used.  False 

Expiry Dates – Max Expiry Date
 This will limit the expiry date picker for iD CMS Pages and iD CMS Files so that only dates between the current day and the current day + 'x' can be selected, where 'x' is the number of days specified here. Setting this to 0 or -1 will mean there is no maximum expiry date.  0

Expiry emails from address

The from address for the expiry emails sent to Editors and Authors


Ignore Disallowed Components 

Disallowed components will still be displayed if this option is set to true  False 

Maximum expiry in days from creation

Maximum number of days in which a document can expire from it's creation date


Override email for expiry alerts

Override email for expiry alters so that only the entered email address will be sent expiry emails

Page and Folder Request Access Email Recipients  Select who should receive the 'Request Access' emails for pages and folders. If 'Full Control Users' are selected, then any user that has full control security level for the page or folder will receive a request access email. If 'Owners' are selected then all owners for the page or folder will receive a request access email.
Full Control Users

Page and Folder Request Access Enabled 
Select who should receive the 'Request Access' emails for pages and folders. If 'Full Control Users' are selected, then any user that has full control security level for the page or folder will receive a request access email. If 'Owners' are selected then all owners for the page or folder will receive a request access email.  Full Control Users 

Page and Folder Request Access Enabled

If enabled will display a link in the site footer 'Request Access' for cases where the logged-in-user does not have the security required to edit the page or folder. This initiates a form for the logged-in-user to explain why access is being requested. Then, a request email will be sent based on the 'Page and Folder Request Access Email Recipients' config setting.


Rich text editor height

Allow users to update editor height   400
Search Terms Wildcard Method

Sets whether wildcards should be automatically added to each term for searches in iD CMS. Wildcards allow searching of partial values, making it easier to perform searches. Additional wildcards can affect search performance depending on the amount of data on the site. Selecting ‘Manual wildcards’ will mean users need to manually add wildcards otherwise only exact matches will be returned. Alternatively, the other options will automatically add wildcards to each field in search as described.   Automatically Added Wildcards to Start and End 

Size of the batch insert

Specifies number of items need to be clicked before links are stored in database 


 WedDAV Check IP Address  When someone uses WebDAV to edit a file in an external application, their IP address is recorded so it can be compared to saving. Setting this to True, means that the file can only be saved if the system verifies that the IP address of the user saving the file matches the recorded address. Setting this to False, means this check is not done when saving, which makes the system less secure. You should only set this to False, if your users' IP addresses change frequently, which would cause the check to fail unnecessarily and regularly.  True
WebDAV File Lock Timeout

Specify the number of minutes that a file should be locked when edited in an external application using WebDAV. If the user is still editing the file after this period passes, a new lock will be obtained for the same number of minutes.    60
XML Minutes Cached

Xml will be cached for set number of minutes  720 

iD Themes

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Default Theme Path

The default theme for all subsites


Use Theme Logo

If this property is set, the default logo will be sourced from the subsite's current theme


Image Library

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Maximum width/height of image The maximum width and height of the images uploaded to the Image Library 600

Maximum width/height of image thumbnails

The maximum width and height of the thumbnail created for images uploaded to the Image Library


Layout Manager

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Maximum expiry in days from creation for layout

Maximum number of days in which a layout can expire from it's creation date



Meeting Room Booking

Display Name



Calendar day start time

This is the start hour for the calendar day. Values must be 0-23, 0=midnight, 1=1am, etc.


Calendar start day

The starting day for the weekly calendar


Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item




Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete 
occurs on deleted item


My iD

Display Name



Allow Activity Feeds

Controls if activity feeds and following of front end users is allowed. If the activity feed is allowed, then each user's profile will have an additional section to display their activity feed. Additionally, users will have the option to follow each other as well as see who is following them and who they are following. If the activity feed is not allowed, then this section will not be available and functionality related to following and followers will be disabled.


 Allow Channels  If set to ‘True’, then adding a hashtag will create a channel allowing users to post, comment and like on the hashtag as well as showing all the other content that has the hashtag.
Note: adding a hashtag is system wide (through the rich text editor).
If set to ‘False’, then there will be no hashtags or channels. If hashtags are used it won’t link to anything and will be treated as text.
Allow Private Groups
If Private Groups are allowed, then each front-end user’s profile will have an additional section to display their private groups. This will allow users to create their own groups with other users where they can post, comment and like.
Days deleted before permanent delete occurs  Days deleted before permanent delete occurs
on deleted item 
Default My iD Template

 The default template used for My iD Master Profile Templates. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><page maxZoneID='3'><templatecontrols ></templatecontrols><controls>{ProfileHeaderControlTemplate}</controls><MetadataIdsInUse>{MetadataIdsInUse}</MetadataIdsInUse><display_mode id='{DefaultDisplayModeID}'><table><row><cell zoneID='1' width='auto' colspan='1' rowspan='1' halign='left' valign='top' padding='0 0 0 0' classname='' celltype='header' noDropZone='true'><control index='1' controltypeid='{ControlTypeIDForProfileHeader}'></control></cell></row><row><cell zoneID='2' width='auto' colspan='1' rowspan='1' halign='left' valign='top' padding='2px 2px 2px 2px' classname=''></cell></row></table></display_mode></page> 
Profile Directory Number of Results per Request  Select the number of profile directory results to request at one time. Setting this number lower will mean more requests to the server but results will load faster. Setting this number higher will mean less requests to the server but results will load slower.   20
 Profile Directory Search Wildcard Method Sets whether wildcards should be automatically added to searches in the Profile Directory. Wildcards allow searching of partial values, making it easier to perform searches. Additional wildcards can affect search performance depending on the amount of data in the site. Selecting ‘Manual wildcards’ will mean users need to manually add wildcards otherwise only exact matches will be returned. Alternatively, the other options will automatically add wildcards to each field in search as described.  Automatically Added Wildcards to End 
Tagged Post Duplication Delay Period

The duplication delay period prevents duplicate tagged posts being created if content is updated within this period. Tagged posts are created in #Channels and Activity Feeds when content is tagged with hashtags and @mentions respectively. This setting controls the number of minutes that the duplication delay period lasts after the originally tagged post is made. If content is updated during this period, then rather than creating a duplicate post, the original post will be updated to reflect the latest changes.  1440 
Trending Channels Enabled

If set to ‘True’, then the system will display a list of channels that are trending. Trending will be calculated based on the types of posts in a channel (e.g. post, tagged content, comment, like) and also the Config Setting ‘Trending Channels Window’. The Config Settings; ‘Trending Channels Number To Show’ and; ‘Trending Channels Refresh Interval’, are used to configure how the trending list is displayed.  True 
 Trending Channels Number To Show  The number of channels to be displayed in the list of trending channels.
Trending Channels Refresh Interval  This setting determines how frequently the trending channels should be calculated, in minutes. Setting this to a lower number will mean that the trending list is updated frequently but may put an extra load onto the server regularly. Setting this to a higher number will mean the trending list isn’t updated as frequently but the extra load on the server is minimized. A minimum of 1 minute can be set and setting this to 0 will use this minimum. 
 Trending Channels Window  This is the period of time, in hours, that will be considered when calculating which channels are trending. This should be set based on how frequently channels are being updated within the system. A minimum of 1 hour can be set and setting this to 0 will use this minimum.  168
User Profile Complete Check  This setting controls what should happen if a user hasn't filled in all of the mandatory fields on their profile.
If this is set to 'Off', no message will be displayed if a user hasn't filled in their profile. If this is set to 'Reminder and Restrict Profile Directory results', a reminder message will display within the User Profile component and restrict the user from being able to access Search results in the Profile Directory. 
Reminder and Restrict Profile Directory results 
Comments Default Number Expanded This will determine how many comments are expanded under each post when an Activity Feed, Channel or Private Group is viewed. If set to 'None' then no comments will be expanded by default but if the number of comments is clicked, then three will be shown with an option to show all. If set to a number, then this will be the number of comments expanded by default, with an option to show all comments. None 

Means: This setting controls if a My iD user Profiles have the Activity Feed functionality, or not. If as an organization you intend to allow users to utilize the My iD Activity Feed, then this setting should remain as the default 'True'.

If you set the Value in the ALLOW_ACTIVITY_FEEDS setting to FALSE, when a user goes to a profile, there will be no access to the Activity Feed there.

Nav Editor

Display Name



Compulsory Nav Link Position



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Max Horizontal Nav Levels

Restricts the horizontal nav levels to 1, 2 or 3


Max Vertical Nav Levels

Restricts the vertical nav levels 1, 2 or 3


Nav Create Permission Level

Sets the minimum admin type that can add or edit Nav Editor


Save expanded nav items for vertical nav

Once and item has been expanded in the vertical nav it should stay expanded regardless of a redirect or page refresh


Set Horizontal Nav Tabs Active



Vertical bar behavior

Sets the state for the vertical bar, current states are: Default, ExpandAll, ContractAll



Display Name



Admin News Url

The URL of a news feed that will be displayed on the main admin page


Allow creation of SharePoint news categories

Enables the option to create news categories which import articles via the SharePoint News importer application. Existing categories will continue to display and be editable if this is set to False


Caching time in minutes for RSS feeds

Caching time in minutes for RSS feeds


 Category - Number of Items in More News Display   Select how many articles should display in the 'More News' display for the category. Any articles not shown here will be available within the News Archive.  All

Date Format for News Component

The date format for the news component when news is shown on the layout of a subsite or in iD CMS


Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Default expiry enabled

Enables the config setting Default_Expiry_In_


Default expiry in days from creation

Default number of days in which a news article will expire from it's creation date


Display RSS for inactive sites

Display RSS for inactive sites


Display RSS for secured sites

Display RSS for secured sites 


Display subsite name in the RSS title

Display the subsite name in the RSS news category title


Enable HTML editing in formatted text

Set to True to enable HTML editing in all formatted text boxes in the website interface of this application


Hide Empty News Component

If a news component contains no news items, it will not appear on the layout


News Absolute Url



Online Forms

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Display Date Submitted in Form Response

Option to check if the date submitted is shown in the Form Response


Email Format Type

Email format type


Length of the Response ID

Maximum length is 9


Process Tool

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Quick Links

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item



Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


iD Source Filter Name For Search
Source name with which iD is indexed. This must be the same as the filter name of the iD source created in Search.

Maximum Description Length of Search Results

Maximum number of characters displayed in the search result description


Search Stand Alone Site

Host name of the search stand alone site


Sports Tipping

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Staff Offers

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Statistics Reporter

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Survey Manager

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


Travel Agent

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item


World Time

Display Name



Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days before permanent delete
occurs on deleted item




Admin Customization

Display Name



Admin Login Page Show News

If this property is set, the news and security panels will show on the admin login page


 Hide Full Control When enabled only Admin users that have superuser permission or higher will be able to apply Full Control access to Website Users within the iD administration system False
 Show Welcome Admin News Option to display Admin news on login False
 Show Welcome Admin Task List Option to display Task List on login True

Admin User Accounts

Display Name



Admin Password History

Enable or disable past password check for Admin users.


Admin Password History Count

Number of past passwords to remember


Exempt URLs from loading client details information

Specify comma separated list of URLs that will be exempt from retrieving client specific information e.g. timezone


Show Clear Text Passwords



Strong Passwords Enable



Strong Passwords Enable PW Never Expires



Strong Passwords Expiry Days



Tc Check Days




Display Name



API Applications pool name

Name of the APP pool for API Applications, if not set the app pool will reside within Intranet DASHBOARD


Company Details

Display Name



Admin System Name

The title was given to the Admin subsystem. Header appears in top left of Admin

As defined by your installation

Client Name


My Company

Superadmin Webmaster Email

 - intranet@mycompany.com 

System Name


As defined by your installation

Webmaster Email


As defined by your installation

Data Grid

Display Name



Datagrid Filtering Option

Datagrid Filtering (Enable or Disabled)


Page length for custom data grid

Page length for the custom data grid



Data Storage

Display Name



Filestore Base Folder


As defined by your installation

Filesystem Database Connection

Filesystem Filestore Type




Display Name



Mail Server



 Mail Server Port Port used to connect to the mail server 25

Mail Server Type



Smtp Password



Smtp Username



Front End Customization

Display Name



Automatic Template Update

Automatic updating will mean any changes made to templates will be reflected automatically when the user edits a page or layout. Otherwise, the user will need to specifically trigger the template update when editing a page or layout.


Default Login Page



 Display User Summary Popup  When a website user's name is shown within the front end interface, clicking on the name will display a popup with a summary of their details. The summary will include a link to the user’s profile, their key contact details and the ability to follow or unfollow. Disabling this setting will mean that no summary popup is shown and clicking on the name will initiate an email to that user.  True

Footer page detail options

Additional information that can be added to the ‘Page Details’ section of the footer. This information will only be displayed in applications where it is available. Options that refer to Last Updated By will only display the most recent user who updated the content, options that refer to Recently Updated By will display all users who have updated the content within a specified time frame determined by the config setting named Footer recently updated length in months.

Show Owner

Footer recently updated length in months  When 'Recently Updated By' information is visible in the footer based on config setting: Footer page detail options, this value will be used to define how many months is meant by recently. 6

Frontend Logout Redirect URL

Specifies the redirect URL for users who log out on the front end. Used when Logout Type config setting is set to 'Redirect to specified URL'


Frontend Logout Type

Setting that will determine where a front end user will be redirected to when they log out. 'If Redirect To Specified Url' is selected then it will redirect the user to the page specified by the config setting Frontend Logout Redirect URL

Redirect to login page

Hide Application Search Fields

Hide search functionality within application pages


 Include Hostname in iD Links  When enabled, renders links to content within the iD site as absolute URLs. When disabled, links are rendered as relative URLs. In most cases, this setting should be set to 'False'.  False

Link security login required

Set to 'True' then users with 'Deny Access' security to any links in the Nav Editor or Quick Links will NOT display for these users.


 Max Width And Height of Thumb Nail  The maximum width and height of the thumbnail  100

Meta Tag Compatibility-x-ua



 Meta Tag Customization Allowed  If set to 'True', then an extra section to customize the Meta Tags for a Layout, My iD Master Profile, iD CMS Folder or iD CMS Page will be shown when editing those items. If set to 'False', this customization section will be hidden.  False

Process Folder Redirects First



 Must Read Item Link Type Controls how the item in users Must Read list on the Must Read page should open. The 'Download' option will directly download or open the item, and the 'Preview/Info' option will take the user to the preview/information screen where they can see details about the item before downloading or opening it.Controls how the item in a user Must Read list on the Must Read page should open. The 'Download' option will directly download or open the item, and the 'Preview/Info' option will take the user to the preview/information screen where they can see details about the item before downloading or opening it. Download

Front End Security

Display Name



Display frontend forgot password link

Determines if the Forgot Your Password link is shown to frontend users on the Login page.


FE User Cookie IP Address Inclusion

FE User Cookie IP Address Inclusion


Forms login default domain

This domain is used if the user login fails on the forms based security


Frontend Security Allow Persistent User Cookie



Frontend Security Allow Self-Registration



Frontend Security Persistent User Cookie Days
- 30

Frontend Security Single Signin



Frontend Security Type
Login, LoginOnDemand, ActiveDirectory, LoginUsingSAML Login 

Frontend Security Use IP Based Security Type

- False 
IP Address Identification Method

Determines the method used to identify user IP addresses. 'Standard' should be used in most cases, unless the site is going to be accessed through an HTTP proxy or load balancer, in which case 'XFF' should be used.

LDAP Username Field

LDAP Username Field


Login IP Checking Enable



SAML Identity Provider Certificate Certificate from the remote identity provider used to validate the SAML response received from them.

SAML Identity Provider SSO Target URL

The remote identity provider SSO URL that users will be redirected to in order to verify their identity.


Show Login Notification Pages


 Web Services Allowed IP Addresses  Setting to add allowed IP addresses  -

Front End User Accounts

Display Name



Active Directory Password Expiry Warning Days

The number of days before password expiry that Active Directory users will be prompted to change their password.


 Bulk User Import File Location  Location of a .csv file containing the username, password, first name, surname, email and department for each user to create a website user account. Users listed in this file will be created or updated each time the import runs (determined by ‘Bulk User Import Frequency’ setting). If the file has write permissions, then after import users will be marked as ‘Processed’ and not updated again, otherwise, all users in the file will be updated each time the import runs.  -
 Bulk User Import Frequency  Determines how frequently the bulk user import will occur, using the file location supplied in 'Bulk User Import File Location'.  Never

Enable Active Directory password change functionality

Enables functionality to change Active Directory passwords when logging in with an Active Directory account.


Enable Fe Tc



Fe Enable Password Expiry



Fe Strong Passwords Enable

Forces the Frontend User password to be a complex password


Fe Strong Passwords Enable PW Never Expires

Decides whether the Front End password should Expire or not


Fe Strong Passwords Expiry Days Number of days after which the Frontend Password expires 30

Fe Strong Passwords Expiry Prompt Days



Fe Tc Check Days - 0

Frontend Show Clear Text Passwords

Frontend Show Clear Text Passwords

Login Attempts Allowed Before Lockout

This number determines how many attempts Front End users have to try and log into their account before their account will be locked. Setting this to 0 will disable the lockout functionality completely and users can make an unlimited number of attempts to log in. 0
Username Generation Method   Setting to provide options for username generation.  Name

Generic Components

Display Name



Comments Approval Required

Comments require approval before being visible on the front end


Comments Load Expanded

Expands the Comments Footer by default


Notification Email Format

Type of Notification Email or RSS


Notification RSS History

The number of minutes the RSS feed will reference any notifications.


Notification Summary Frequency

The frequency that notification summaries are created which may then be emailed or displayed in an activity feed depending on the settings for each notification.

5 minutes

Rating Hide Negative Only show the like button for ratings False


Display Name



License User Limit Warning Threshold

Determines at what fill capacity will a session pool warning be triggered.


License User Limit Warning Email Enabled

Determines at if an email warning will be sent is the License User limit warning threshold is reached.




Display Name



Breadcrumb Bar Time Format

If the config setting 'ADD_TIME_TO_CALENDAR_DATE_IN_BREADCRUMB_BAR' is set to True and the time is being displayed at the subsite level, this setting will set whether to display the time in 12 or 24 hour time.

12 hour

Default Country Code



Time Zone Default

The value selected is the default time zone for the intranet. Any subsites set to use the 'Time Zone Default' option will inherit this default.



Display Name



Frontend Security Record Logins

Records all logins into the front end.


Http Logfiles Path



 Http Logfiles Path2  -  -
 Http Logfiles Path3  -  -
 Http Logfiles Path4  -  -
 Http Logfiles Path5  -  -

Log incoming web requests

Enables incoming request logging much like IIS logging


Log page views to the database

Determines if each page view should be logged to the database. Disable this if performance is critical, and reporting is not.


Log slow web requests

Enables slow request logging


Log slow web requests minimum seconds Set slow request minimum seconds threshold
Technical Error Information Displayed   If set to 'False' then error pages across the entire system will show an error code and the full technical error information can be found within 'Error Manager' in the Admin Utilities. If set to 'True' then all error pages will also include a link to view the full technical error information.  False


Display Name



Confirm content is not confidential

Display a checkbox when saving layouts and iDCMS pages asking the user to confirm that the content being saved is not confidential


Maximum Owner Limit

A Maximum number of owners that can be set on content. If this value is not specified, or less than 1, then no limit is applied.



Display Name



Cache Time

The time in minutes that items will be cached for.


Enable HTTP response compression

Enables or disables HTTP response compression using gzip in order to improve response time and decrease network traffic.


Primary Hostname Backup

Primary Hostname Backup that is used when there is no current hostname


Static Files Version Extension

This value is used in addition to the assembly version to get static files.


Web Service Time Out

Minutes before web service request is time out



Display Name



HTTP Proxy Password

Password for the HTTP Proxy


HTTP Proxy User Name

Username for the HTTP Proxy


HTTP Request Proxy



Single Sign On

Display Name



Admin SSO Enable



Single Sign On Additional Parameters

Parameters entered here will be added to the single sign on key.


SSO Key for Single Sign On

This Key is used for Single Sign on Encryption/Decryption(Please change this only in web.config file).


SSO vector for Single Sign On

This Vector is used for Single Sign on Encryption/Decryption(Please change this only in web.config file).



Display Name



Allow Slash In Subsite Dir



Allow Subsite Deletion

This value decides whether subsites can be deleted from the subsite list.


 Logo Links Home  -  True

Show parent subsite in the breadcrumb for nested subsites

If a subsite is nested as a child within another subsite, then show the parent subsite on the child subsite's breadcrumb bar.


Use different style for each site

If this is set to false, the same style is used across all the subsites


Version Control

Display Name



Age of a version in days before it is deleted

The age of a version in days before it is deleted


Days deleted before permanent delete occurs

Days deleted before permanent delete occurs


Enable Versions of files to be deleted


Minimum Number of versions to keep

The minimum number of versions of a file that are to be kept in the system


Number of original versions to be kept in the system

Number of original versions to be kept in the system



Display Name



Approvers Includes Website Usergroup Members

When enabled, the {Approvers} option in Workflow emails includes website user group members. If false, only individual users will be included.


Auto Save Time Seconds



Auto Save Max Days

Number of days autosaved workflow is stored for


Legacy Settings

Display Name



Default apply security to subfolders

Default apply security to subfolders, if true will set to Yes by default, if false will set to No by default


Default Data



Default template

Empty template for id cms

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><page maxZoneID='2'><templatecontrols ></templatecontrols><controls ></controls><display_mode id='{DefaultDisplayModeID}' ><table><row><cell zoneID='1' width='auto' colspan='1' rowspan='1' halign='left' valign='top' padding='2px 2px 2px 2px' classname=''></cell></row></table></display_mode></page>

Save expanded nav items for the vertical nav

Once an item has been expanded in the vertical nav it WILL stay expanded regardless of a redirect or page refresh


iD Help refers to iD 8
The {0} view cannot be edited until it is customized in the template.

This user no longer exists.
{Time Stamp}

{Profile Name}

{Time Stamp}
{Time Stamp}
Posted in:
{Time Stamp}
{Time Stamp}
{New Comment Count}
Comment ({Comment Count})

Show older comments

Show newer comments

Shared this post:
{Time Stamp}

{Profile Name}

{Time Stamp}
{Time Stamp}
{Comment Count}{Comment Text}
Mentioned this #Channel:
{Time Stamp}

{Profile Name}

{Time Stamp}
Posted in:
{Time Stamp}
Comment ({Comment Count})

Show older comments

Show newer comments

in {Calendar name}

Starting on 

in {Room}

Starting on 
{Video Embed}
{"DataTable":[{"id":1,"Breakpoint":-1,"Title":"{header}Desktop{/header}{footer}This version will be shown when the site is accessed from high resolution desktop computers and laptops.{/footer}","TitleOnly":"Desktop"},{"id":2,"Breakpoint":960,"Title":"{header}Tablet{/header}{footer}This version will be shown when the site is accessed from tablets, such as iPads, Galaxy Tablets, Nexus, Kindles, Microsoft Surface and low resolution desktop computer and laptops.{/footer}","TitleOnly":"Tablet"},{"id":3,"Breakpoint":540,"Title":"{header}Phone{/header}{footer}This version will be shown when the site is accessed from phones, such as iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, Windows Phone, Blackberry etc.{/footer}","TitleOnly":"Phone"}]}